Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easy as Boiling Water

When I say I can't cook, it's not the kind of statement looking for the "oh, you cook just fine!!" kind of compliment fishing. Seriously. I can barely boil water. I've screwed up so many boiled eggs that I found this handy dandy egg timer from William Sonoma. The best six bucks I've ever spent. The only time I've walked out of William Sonoma with a purchase that didn't require a credit check and a promise of my second born. (too many stories out there about my first born)

First, we boiled the eggs:

Sounds easy enough, right? No fires yet. Success.

Then we color the eggs:

Sorry for the blurry photo. Next blog will be called "Burnt Photos"
We escaped the dying process without any loss of blood or staining of porous tile. Success.

Even though I put all the eggs in the fridge overnight, I still felt iffy about them to actually serve with our Easter meal. Plus I bought waaaaay too many eggs and a family can only eat unless they're on the Atkin's diet so it was the best bet for burning through them. Refer to first photo. Success.

We decided to actually do a project or two from Pinterest and make bunny and chick deviled eggs. They look a little psychotic . . .but close enough to be recognizable. 

All in all we had one claim tummy problems following partaking of the eggs but no one died. Success.

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